
Monday, August 9

Tea Party Bigotry - Not just for the Sign Carriers Anymore

According to a New York Times/CBS News Poll which included self-proclaimed "Tea Party Members", they are..

– More than twice as likely as the general public (25% vs 11%) to believe that “the policies of the Obama administration favor blacks over whites.

– Half as likely as the general public (16% to 31%) to believe that “white people have a better chance of getting ahead in today’s society.”

– Almost twice as likely as the general public (52% to 28%) to believe that “too much has been made of the problems facing black people” in recent years.

But it's not like any of that is Racist or anything....

Contrary to the Mark William's claim that that it's "Impossible for the Tea Party to be Racist"... it's seems that that is exactly what they are, and then some...

Williams: It's impossible for the Tea Party to be racist, because it's about the Constitution. It's about individual rights. What's racist about demanding for lower taxes, less intrusive government, no more bailouts and stop the rape of the private sector.

Except for the question of exactly whose going to pay those taxes, because apparently if you ask the Tea Partiers they think it's going to be the "White People" - and whose going to be "intruded on" by the government, they seem to think it's going to be private sector Corporations (run by white people) who have been refusing to give black people loans for the homes and businesses, or to provide them health care.

It's all about the Constitution, except for the the 1st Amendment protections for Freedom of the Press, and Freedom of Religion - and except for the 4th Amendment protection against Unreasonable Search and Seizure since these guys like Racial Profiling of Blacks and Muslims so much - and except for the 5th and 8th Amendment protections against "Self Incrimination" due to "Cruel and Unusual Punishment" when it comes to some Terrorist Scum we want to question - and except for the 14th Amendment guarantee of "Equal Protection for All Persons within the Jurisdiction of the State" when it comes to Marriage Equality, and especially children who are born here no matter what sins their parents may or may not have committed.

Once you peel back the union skin this is what you find....

As TP’s Matt Yglesias wrote in this weekend’s Washington Post, right-wing xenophobes are fueling a “summer of fear” that has its roots in the economic downturn. The strategy of linking racial resentment to fears of economic redistribution and government control under a black presidency — in right-wing storylines including Van Jones, Shirley Sherrod, New Black Panther Party, ACORN, the “Ground Zero Mosque“, and “anchor babies” — is finding a ready audience among the people who identify themselves as tea party supporters.

To this very day Glenn Beck repeatedly uses the clip of President Obama saying "The Police acted Stupidly" as an supposed example of HIS bias. But the facts are the Sgt Crowley Lied on his Police Report.

When I arrived at 17 Ware street I radioed ECC and asked that they have the caller meet me at the front door to this residence. SNIP . As I reached the door, a female voice called out to me. I turned and looked in the direction of the voice and observed a white female, later identified as Lucia Whalen. Whalen, who was standing on the sidewalk in front of the residence, held a wireless telephone in her hand and told me that it was she who called. She went on to tell me that the observed what appeared to be two black males with backpacks on the porch of 17 Ware street.

Lucia Whalen never told him any of that - Lucia Whalen never spoke with Officer Crowley. Calling what he did "Stupid" was frankly an upgrade when compared to the facts.

Shirley Sherrod did NOT unfairly discriminate against a White Farmer as a member of the USDA.

ACORN did not steal the 2008 Election, or attempt to help a Pimp and Prostitute setup of a under-age Sex Ring - they called the Police on them - TWICE.

Van Jones didn't sign a 9-11 Truther Petition.

The New Black Panther Party didn't get away with a PLOT to block White People from Voting in Philadelphia.

But these are the things that these people believe, just like their irrational belief in Death Panels.

In a broad study of adults in Georgia, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, and California conducted between February and March, the University of Washington Institute for the Study of Ethnicity, Race, and Sexuality (WISER) asked a number of questions about “racial resentment” — such as whether blacks don’t try hard enough or have gotten more than they deserve. Conservatives are 23 percent more likely to be racially resentful, and Republicans 15 percent more likely than Democrats. However, the institute found that this racial sentiment isn’t simply a byproduct of white conservativism:

[E]ven as we account for conservatism and partisanship, support for the Tea Party remains a valid predictor of racial resentment.

It is untrue, as political commentator Dave Weigel argues, that racism in the Tea Party is merely reflective of its conservatism. The WISER study found that compared to other conservatives, Tea Party supporters are:

– 25 percent more likely to have racial resentment.

– 27 percent more likely to support racial profiling.

– 28 percent more likely to support indefinite detention without charges.

Tea Party supporters are also significantly more likely to hold racial stereotypes, with a majority believing blacks are not hard-working, intelligent, or trustworthy. Their fear of others transcends race, however — the WISER study found that a majority of tea party adherents distrust Latinos, Asians, and other whites as well.

See there, at least their equal opportunity paranoids. They fear and loath everyone different from themselves equally. This is why we're having these ridiculous battles over who can put a mosque where - despite our alleged 1st Amendment Right to Freedom of Religion. This is we're hearing so much suddenly about changing the 14th Amendment to prevent Anchor Babies, and why they losing their God Damned Minds over Judge Walker's calm rational Equal Protection Decision in the Prop 8 case.

They're Bigots, plain and simple.

And the Republican Party (and Fox News) is planning to continually play the "White FEAR CARD" - the Southern Strategy Redux in order to ride this wave of paranoia right back into control of Congress.

The sad thing is that it just might work too - if we let them get away with it.


Sunday, August 8

David Boies: Under Oath is a Lonely Place to Lie

Wherein David Boies cuts Tony Perkins of the Family Bigot Council into tiny tiny ribbons.

Following the typical Prop H8 Bigot Script Tony Perkins trots all the old saws - The Judge is openly Gay (So I guess you can't trust an Emotional Old Queen to make a decision fairly?) - he ignored all of the "social science" on the issue (none of which was produced by actual scientists) - he ignored the will of the people in 30 states (which has exactly what bearing on the law and Constitution?)

Boies sliced him into guilian fries in seconds:

Boies: All of that is Junk Science. It's easy to come on TV and Lie, but to sit in a witness chair and present your opinions, and have them challenged and be cross examined is a lonely place. It's a lonely place to Lie under oath.

If people like Perkins really believed their position they would have put their asses in a witness chair and taken the heat for it - but most of them didn't

This is what the crumbling of Perkin's Sexual Supremacy sounds like.

Proposition 8 fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license. Indeed the evidence shows Proposition 8 does nothing more than enshrine in the California constitution the notion that opposite sex couples are superior to same sex couples.

Meanwhile Ted Olson put Fox News Chris Wallace on the Spot - would you like Your Rights Put up to a Vote?

OLSON: Well, would you like your right to free speech? Would you like Fox’s right to free press put up to a vote and say well, if five states approved it, let’s wait till the other 45 states do? These are fundamental constitutional rights. The Bill of Rights guarantees Fox News and you, Chris Wallace, the right to speak. It’s in the constitution. And the Supreme Court has repeatedly held that the denial of our citizens of the equal rights to equal access to justice under the law, is a violation of our fundamental rights. Yes, it’s encouraging that many states are moving towards equality on the basis of sexual orientation, and I’m very, very pleased about that. ... We can’t wait for the voters to decide that that immeasurable harm, that is unconstitutional, must be eliminated

Yeah, I'd like to see how well the Rabid Million Moran Fox Nation could withstand the Vote of all those who regular watch every other News Channel combined, not to mention all the fans of Shark Week.

As some have noted the defendants in the case may lack standing to appeal to the Ninth Circuit and thus this decision would be limited to California and Prop 8, which almost makes me wish the Governor and Attorney General would join the suit if only to make Marriage Equality the National Standard.

The 14th Amendment was written - in part - to allow former slaves to marry under the law, how could it not apply to today's couples who've been cruelly and systematically denied the same right out of fear, ignorance, hatred and the outright LIES of people like Perkins?

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